Michael H.Wray Wins May Primary
Michael H. Wray won the May Primary for District 27 last night. Representative Wray took 6,848 votes or 58% of the overall votes against...
Early Voting Has Started
Early voting started today in Halifax County, NC. There are two locations you can use for early voting, Roanoke Rapids Sanitary District...
NC House Representative Michael Wray visits HCC
This morning I read to children at Halifax Community College's Child Care Center. Our community college system has been used as a...
Price Barn Meet & Greet April 3, 2014
Don't forget to stop by the Price Barn, 759 Sam Powell Dairy Road in Roanoke Rapids this Thursday, April 3, 2014 between 5:30 and 7:30....
Elle and Representative Wray Meet With The Govenor
Elle & Representative Wray meet with Govenor McCrory today on some important issues with dog breeding. Elle, a therapy dog and the 2013...
Representative Wray Rides With The NC Highway Patrol
Representative Wray did a ride along with the NC State Patrol the first week of March 2014. He learned about their jobs, the equipment...
NC House Representative Michael Wray Visits Northwest Halifax High School
I enjoyed teaching a civics lesson in Ms. Tatiana Logan's US History class at Northwest Halifax High School today. I enjoy getting...
Armory Reopens at Roanoke Rapids High School
Renovated Armory opened today, Feb. 18, 2014. Makes a great addition to the Roanoke Rapids High School campus and will be used for...
NC Legislature Candidates on Toll Roads Halifax County NC 2012
NC Legislature Candidates on Toll Roads Halifax County NC. #tollroads #michaelwray